
Because of copyrighted music I'm lucky if I manage £10 on my Drum Cover Channel.

(I've actually missed out on at least £23,000 worth of YouTube money  in total because of copyright.)

So as I'm now an adult with rent and bills to pay I had to get a part time job.

Why am I saying all this?

Well, even the smallest of donations could be the difference needed for me to make content creation/drumming my full time job again.

Alternatively, if you become a member you get cool stuff in return for your generosity.

Become a paid member or Patron by 31st May to be in with a chance of winning a SIGNED DRUMHEAD and SIGNED DRUMSTICK

Become a member


1 member

$1.00 per month

  • Early Access to all of my videos
  • I'll follow you and add you to my close friends on instagram (@mininodrums)
  • Get special roles in my Dicord Server
  • Members only Merch


12 members

$3.00 $2.70 first month

  • Catch up with past Drum Streams (10+ so far)
  • Behind the Scenes Content (Over 100 videos so far)
  • I'll follow you and add you to my close friends on instagram (@mininodrums)
  • Early Access to all of my videos
  • Get special roles in my Dicord Server
  • Members only Merch


5 members

$10.00 $9.00 first month

  • Recieve a postcard from me every now and then just to say hi
  • Stand out with a fancy ⭐️ Discord role
  • Your name shown on my videos
  • Catch up with past Drum Streams (10+ so far)
  • Behind the Scenes Content (Over 100 videos so far)
  • I'll follow you and add you to my close friends on instagram (@mininodrums)
  • Early Access to all of my videos
  • Get special roles in my Dicord Server
  • Members only Merch

Make a donation

If you are kind enough to support me then THANK YOU I appreciate it more than you know 🧡  Mini xxx
