Start with a membership tier

1 member
$1 per month
or $0.95 for subs
Early Access to all of my videos
I'll follow you and add you to my close friends on instagram (@mininodrums)
Get special roles in my Dicord Server
Members only Merch
12 members
$3 $2.70 first month
then $2.85 for subs
Catch up with past Drum Streams (10+ so far)
Behind the Scenes Content (Over 100 videos so far)
I'll follow you and add you to my close friends on instagram (@mininodrums)
Early Access to all of my videos
Get special roles in my Dicord Server
Members only Merch
5 members
$10 $9 first month
then $9.50 for subs
Recieve a postcard from me every now and then just to say hi
Stand out with a fancy ⭐️ Discord role
Your name shown on my videos
Catch up with past Drum Streams (10+ so far)
Behind the Scenes Content (Over 100 videos so far)
I'll follow you and add you to my close friends on instagram (@mininodrums)
Early Access to all of my videos
Get special roles in my Dicord Server
Members only Merch